A. Sabine W.
Relevance & Trust - The Making of your Brand World
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Relevance & Trust - The Making of your Brand World

The Right Place and Time v/s the Transitory Moment of Presence.

Being at the right place at the right time creates relevance, builds trust and can be life-changing for your brand and business.

Reading about Dutch visual artist Berndnaut Smilde, inspired me to reflect on the fleeting nature of ‘Relevance’ in life - and Brand building.

Berndnaut Smilde is best known for creating perfect miniature clouds in unusual locations. The cloud sculptures last only for about 10 seconds, just enough time for it to be photographed before disappearing. To Smilde, the takeaway is not the wonder of a fabricated cloud, but it's transience that it exists only for a moment and then it’s gone forever.

If you’re seeing a photo of something – you’ve already missed it!

He says his work presents the transitory moment of presence and about being at the right place at the right time. “If you’re seeing a photo of something – you’ve already missed it!” ( I can't help myself seeing the parallel to the omnipresent Selfie culture!)

Harper’s Bazaar commissioned Smilde to enact a Nimbus shoot for their magazine. Photo: Simon Procter

One ‘Moment’ is not Enough to Build Trust.

The cloud sculpture can be either interpreted as a sign of creation or loss of momentum. The same is true for Relevance. Relevance is fleeting!

There is only a short moment when it is just the right time to create positive action.

There is only a short moment to make a difference, a view seconds of opportunity to connect your brand in a meaningful way to your audience. Smilde is inspired by the laws of nature and indeed this is the magic we need to create in branding. It is the tangible feeling of being connected, of belonging when human intentions and interactions align. When the brand’s personality and consumer values align, be it online or in real time.

There are four effective strategies to ensure that your brand message is not only aligned with your audience's values but also received.

I. Create the Role of a 'CRO'

In order to create high-performing brand cultures (and teams), we need to create the role of a "CRO", a Chief Reminder Officer, according to Patrick Lencioni (author of NY bestselling book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team). This role is typically personified in the Creative Director position. The CRO’s sole intention is to continually create clarity and keep reminding people of the brand purpose, brand vision, whom we serve and what we’re trying to achieve. He/she is the brand guardian, who ensures that the brand idea is steering everyone who works behind the scene of your brand.

II. Over-Communicate your Message

Research reveals that it takes 10 pieces of content and 10 touchpoints to get a brand message through to your audience. >>> This will increase to around 20 touch points in the next 5 to 10 years. You need to create more content, more touchpoints, more experiences and repeat your message again and again.

This is what we Do.

The creation of a Brand Universe is now manifesting its mighty power. We build a brand journey that creates a continuous flow of moments of relevance that leads your customer from awareness to purchase and retention. Additionally, the Brand Universe solves your brand’s main challenge of identity, authenticity and quantity in branded storytelling, both visually and in content creation. We listen, take a seed of your idea, nurture it and make it thrive to a brand universe that keeps on giving endless possibilities for products, services, touch points and experiences.

III. Use Data and Insights

Building a relationship with your consumers and offer them relevant brand experiences will be paramount. More here. Making use of the data and insights that you have in your business will create considerably more connected conversations with your customers.

IV. Consistent Communicate across all Channels

Last but not least, create an omnipresence with your messaging. Your aim is to demonstrate your message at the right place at the right time – internally and externally - always!


Interested to learn more? Contact me.

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